1) because ZAREI is the basic form of ceremonial, this command is [usually] omitted.

2) this command gives a teacher.

3) this command gives a person with the highest grade of kyu /see: footnote 57/, person indicated by the teacher, or the teacher.

4) * hanshi /"model warrior" - teacher of teachers, the highest possible title in karatedo/. * Shihan /"pattern of a teacher" - teacher, professor, educator/. * Renshi /"perfecting himself warrior" - "younger" teacher, teacher of black belts/. * /yon-, san-, ni-, sho-/ -dan /4,3,2,1 grade/. In the case when someone has only kyu grade does not mention this grade /eg. ikkyu, nikyu, sankyu, ect./ only replace with the title * sempai /"[from the] earlier generation" - here: someone with an older/higher (the oldest/higest) grade/.

5) the answer of the exercisers /with bow/ on "hajimemasu" of the teacher.

6) the answer of the exercisers /with bow/ on "owarimasu" of the teacher.

7) the command gives the person with the oldest title and/or grade /see: footnote 57/, indicated by the teacher, or teacher.

8) the command to taking lesson after the break: it can be replaced by "dozo" of the teacher /here: take up place to the exercises/ - after this command does not do the ceremonial, only occupies previous /last/ place /before the break/, or the place indicated by the teacher.

9) this command is omitted at RITSUREI.

10) also ceremonial performes by someone who can not sit down /in seiza/ - may be used for the situation described in point b/ of footnote 65, but from a standing position.

11) this ceremonial usually is managed by the teacher only for the performance of any one particular exercise /kihon, kata, or kumite/ and only for a specific by the teacher group of exercisers.

12) for people who come in during the lesson: the ceremonial begins /zarei or ritsurei/ with face toward to shomen and performs in such a place to would not disturb others. ATTENTION: do not enter in to the dojo when the ceremonial of the whole class just now takes - wait until it ends and then enter in and do yours. If enter at the same time a group of people, the rhythm of the ceremonial is given by a person with the oldest title and/or grade /see: footnote 57/ - the others position themselves on the right or left side of him - should also wait from entering for the others, in order that what the moment do not disturb the teacher.

13) the commands marked with the number of this explanations are given by oneself, but in a way inaudible for the others /silently or in thoughts/.

14) in the case of the later coming, earlier going out or others, before the bow should turn to face the teacher.

15) at the rei in seiza the buttocks do not separate from the heels: the length of the bow depends on the respect which wants to express itself, however during the bow can not sleep or drag it so that it will be disturb the teacher, nor to look round /eg. what others do/. Remember also that the bow is not a slope, nor bending itself - bow also the head /at ritsurei/ and the eyes, and the spine is straight. The tradition dictates not to pick up from the bow before the teacher (with older title and/or a grade or with an age) - it should try to feel when this happens, what acquires itself with the practice. If someone picks up before it means that more exercises need /more diligently practice/, but should not again "falls" into the bow, in order that only do not break this rule. This situation applies to the cases of later entering and earlier exiting at suitable moments.

16) the answer of the belated person /with the bow/ on "dozo" of the teacher: after this the person sets at the end of one of the rows, at the place indicated by the teacher or by the one of the senior students.

17) here has place a bow which depending on circumstances means: "yes!", "I am doing!", "I understood!", "here you are", "thank you", "sorry", "that is all", ect. A bow performs in the direction to the teacher.

18) after the ceremonial stand somewhere on the side in the position of ki-o tsuke, in a place easily visible to the teacher, and so as not to disturb others, and wait for a permission to take part in the lesson.

19) before the ceremonial it is advisable go out of the group and seizure in stance of ki-o tsuke the place easily visible to the teacher /but not disturbing the others/, to pay attention of the teacher and explain to him that oneself goes out - the ceremonial is then performed after the command dozo of the teacher, what in this case means "please before leaving to celebrate the ceremonial" or "of course, please go": the ceremonial is performed face shomen, in a place which does not disturb the others. See analog. footnote 12.

20) after the ceremonial, and before leaving, one can again wait until the teacher pays its attention, and thank him for exercises, what follows after the command "dozo" - please /here: "if you finished, of course you can go out"/, on which one should answer "arigato gozaimashita" - "thank you very much" /for the exercises/.

21) if someone came out of the dojo only for a moment or did not return on the time after break - takes place easily visible to the teacher, and so as not to disturb others, and waits in the stance of ki-o tsuke for a permission to take part in the lesson.

22) should keep in mind that in karatedo the gymnastics takes place in a special way, because each element of it can be used as a fighting technique.

23) kotai - compare: TAISO, KIHON, KATA, KUMITE and KOBUDO. The people standing in a row behind us should be steer clear of upon their left, starting first with right leg to the our left side /of course if the teacher does not decide otherwise/. See: footnote 46.

24) forward moves always starting with right leg /if the teacher not decides otherwise/. NOTE: Hanshi Nobuo Ichikawa does the opposite.

25) in order to obtain a fuller names of others not listed entries, it should submit them of the following or above terms: no detailed description means a very wide range of understanding, eg.: kosadachi it is each stance with crossed legs, ageuke - any block towards up, kihonkata - any form considered for basic, ect.

26) backward moves always starting with the left foot /if the teacher not decides otherwise/. NOTE: Hanshi Nobuo Ichikawa does the opposite.

27) during listening to explanations on the lesson allowed are the three positions: ki-o tsuke, sonkyo and seiza. If someone takes the first of them should get out of the group and to stand somewhere on the side, not to cover others.

28) a costume for exercises is a white budogi without any symbols or badges /for except the sign of the school/: on the belt can be only school name, title, and family name or forename of the owner. If someone wants to can take off gi /jacket/, but if he does it, the jacket should be neatly folded and puts somewhere where it will not disturb. If someone does not have a kimono, can practice in any other outfit provided that it is modest /not provocatived/, neat /clean/, safe and designed for this purpose.

29) in the case of necessity for the exit before the end of the ceremonial of the lesson.

30) in the case of necessity for the immediate exit /temporary or definitive/.

31) at the exercise with a partner.

32) during the individual training.

33) it does not occur when exercising alone.

34) it can have a place during individual lessons, special situations, etc.

35) tori - in TAISO, the person who performs the exercise, in KUMITE - the attacker. NOTE: in kumite determining who is tori and who is uke is variable, because the person performing the attack /tori/ becomes the uke /person on which the technique is practising/ when the defender performs a block.

36) uke - in KIHION and KATA: the block, in TAISO and at the throws: the person on which the exercise is performs /the assistant, "the mannequin"/, in KUMITE the defender. NOTE: in kumite determining who is tori and who is uke is variable, because the person performing the attack /tori/ becomes the uke /person on which the technique is practising/ when the defender performs a block.

37) kobudo - "the old martial way", "the way of the old arts of the fight", "the old budo. In Japan: the all techniques of the fight before 1868. Popularly: the practice with former Japanese weapon or the weapon itself of this type as such.

38) at the katas with a stick /bo/ order of commands can be reversed.

39) in some katas this command is omitted.

40) the dimensions and shapes of every weapon - except in the general references of individual parts in relation to each other - are selected individually according to the personal preferences of each practitioner.

41) sokumen - compare: TAISO and KOBUDO.

42) otoshizuki = tsukiotoshi - compare: KIHON and KOBUDO.

43) kyu - here: the grade, the rank. Also: the younger grade/s.

44) otoshi - compare: KIHON, KUMITE and KOBUDO.

45) shomen - see: ZAREI and TAISO.

46) kotai - compare: TAISO, KIHON, KATA, KUMITE and KOBUDO. At the exercises in pairs of the partner should be steer clear of upon his left, starting with the left leg diagonally forward to the own right side. See: footnote 23.

47) agezuki = tsukiage - compare: KIHON and KOBUDO.

48) Copyright ® by Karatedo Doshinkan. All rights reserved. This name and symbol are reserved and protected for the school Karatedo Doshinkan based in Vienna /Austria/. Using them or part of them in any way without the owner's consent is prohibited.

49) RenshiDan Andrzej Pyrzewicz - the author of this website, the national instructor of sport karate and motive recreation of Karatedo Doshinkan /SKD/. He began his karate practicing 18th of October 1975 in TKKF "Przyjaciel" /"Friend"/ in Warsaw at Aleksander Trofimow: at first 9, then 7, 5, 3 /11-03-1977 r., Warsaw, Augusto Basile, Italy 6.dan Wadoryu/ and 1°kyu of sport karate Shotokan. Former sport judge of Polish Karate Championship. He participated in the first meeting with Hanshi Isao Ichikawa in 1977 in Warsaw. In 1980 he participated in the founding meeting of the Polish Karate Union /PZK/ as one of the three from the SKD from shoulder of whom he was later one of the two its permanent representatives in this union. In 1987 he was one of the four initiators of the founding of SKD in which later he was one of the first two karate instructors, co-author of the instructors training program and co-leader of the first such training /1989/, and in the years 1987-2004 secretary/treasurer, board member and its presidium. In 1988 he participated in the founding meeting of the Polish Federation of Far East Arts of Fight /PFDSW/ as one of the three from SKD from shoulder of whom he was later its permanent representative in this federation. He knows by heart all the 101 katas officially taught so far by hanshis of this school, along with their many versions and varieties which he never in any way does not save and forgets. Historian, writer, translator and researcher of karatedo and karatedo katas, author of books "Karatedo Kata", "Witam na stronie poświęconej Karatedo Doshinkan" /I welcome on the website dedicated to Karatedo Doshinkan/, Polish translation of "Karatedo Daihokan" by Daishihan Kanken Toyama, few articles, and website about Sanchin kata. Picture: the author in his apartment, Warsaw, 23th of December 2008, approx. 13:30 hrs. Cropped from the photograph from the author's collections of the private photo sessions with Renshi MSc Krzysztof Caban. On the entry website: the author in Traugutt Park, Warsaw, June 20th, 2007. Cropped from the photograph from the author's collections of the private photo sessions with Renshi MSc Krzysztof Caban.

50) choshi - compare: TAISO and KATA.

51) kihonnigiri - compare: KUMITE and KOBUDO.

52) gyakuzuki - compare: KIHON and KOBUDO.

53) these commands, as well a name which precedes the start of the kata, and follows after a name the counting succeeding movements, a leader gives or a person appointed by him or - in the case of individual practice - an exerciser for himself /aloud, silently or in the thoughts/.

54) kaizan - if it announces a break during the lesson all can be in the dojo. After kaizan in the ceremonial of the ending of the lesson the teacher goes out. See: "What this is", "Karatedo Doshinkan", paragraph The end of the lesson.

55) Hanshi 10°Dan Isao Ichikawa /b. 12-24-1935, Nagoya, Aichi, Honshu, Japan; d. 02-01-1996, Vienna, Austria/ - heir of Daishihan Kanken Toyama, the first in the history and for a year the only holder of karatedo hanshi 10°dan, founder of Karatedo Doshinkan. Driving this school took over after him 05-11-1996 his younger brother - the current Hanshi 10°Dan Nobuo Ichikawa. Cropped from a group photo from the 2nd July 1986 from Chopin's Piano Concerto in Warsaw's "Łazienki" /Baths/. The photo on the entry website: Hanshi at the main stadium BKS "Skra", Warsaw, August 1986. Both pictures are by and come from the collections of Renshi Dr. Piotr Piotrowicz.

56) in Karatedo Doshinkan there were also separated grades for children, but presently these grades are not used. In Poland they have been awarded only three of them: red 1 /the lowest of these grades, with one transverse beam at the ends of the belt - one child in July 1985/, yellow /middle rank - two children: one in July 1985, the second in July 1986/ and yellow 1 /the oldest, with one transverse beam - one child in July 1986/.

57) if on the lesson are few students with the same grade, as the first stands this student who received this rank as first, even if since the nomination of the next person elapsed - literally! - the seconds. The same applies to other grades and titles. In the case of those without the grade the sequence is the following: first stand exercisers in a complete outfit, then stand those who have a part of the costume, and behind them those who are not having kimonoes - stand then by age /the same is in the case with budogis/. Although this is a formal requirement nothing will happen if this order will be slightly affected, what does not mean that it can move to the rule.

58) the same refers to the exercisers standing in the other rows, ie. shodan, kodansha, renshi and shihan.

59) from a formal point of view, in this row can stand also godan, rokudan and above, if they do not have the titles, what rather does not happen.

60) at the end of this row can also stand renshi sandan, but these are truly exceptional cases: one such had place in Poland, July 18, 1991, and though this renshi had this honor only through one day /the next day he became renshi yondan/ that however the fact is the fact.

61) bo - which oneself holds the vertically against the fingers of our right foot, a millimeter over the ground /others horizontally or slightly obliquely at the right thigh/ catches itself at 1/3. of its length from the top, nunchaku at kontei, kama at blades /tips down/, tonfa at tsuka /tsuka up/, and sai for monouchi at yoku /in all cases the instruments in right hand/. When sitting down and standing up weapon is attracts to the right hip /except bo/, whereas puts down so that our senchusen was exactly in a half length of the instrument: nunchaku and kama - kontei to the righ /kama with the blades to our body/, tonfa - ushirogashira to the right /tsuka up or outside of our body/, sai - tsuka to the left.

62) if the equipment is left, that only at our right side: nunchaku and kama with kontei into the back /kama with the blades to each other/, bo - into the forward, tonfa - ushirogashira into the back /tsuka into the up or to yourself/, sai - tsuka into the forward. When the weapon is given to someone comes the recepient - a weapon is given to him with raising both hands to shoulder height of recepient and bowing to him without lowering the weapon into the down /bo is held like at the ceremonial/: nunchaku and kama with kontei into the our right side /kama with the blades to each other/, tonfa - with ushirogashira into the right side /tsuka into the up/, sai - with tsuka into the left side /with yoku horizontally/. Remember to always give the weapon to the recepient with the side of the weapon, never with its front  /with tip/, because it can be read as an attack /or a preparation to the attack/ and can provoke the counteraction. For the same reason, avoid given weapon with one hand, or others than above described methods, which in besides are less elegant. Remember also to keep the weapon in this way in order to the partner had plenty of space for his hands when he takes over the weapon. The weapon is received in its middle, with right hand /between the hands of the giver/, and with the left hand at the end of the weapon behind the right hand of the giver /interiors of both our hands up/. Still keeping the hands at the same height is performed the bow. Similar like at the given of the weapon, should avoid the other ways /eg. with one hand/. If the giver lays his hands in this way that there is no place for our other hand, then touch with the interior of left palm to the end of the weapon, behind the right palm of the giver.

63) in the care of own safety and the others, before the accession to exercises always should check the equipments /especially the weapons/!

64) detailed information regarding the commands at ceremonial are in the ZAREI.

65) a/ while standing up it should remember to do so long step forward with the right foot so, the heel of the right leg stands in front of the knee of the left leg; b/ after morohizadachi /and before hidari hizadachi/ can also pick up high the right leg bent at the knee, then to straighten her /similar as at the maegeri/ and only after that put the foot in the way described in a/, but the foot should be put slightly, without the pounding foot into the ground /floor/. See footnote 66.

66) the seiza command is the inverse of the kiritsu: the left leg back, and her knee behind the heel of the right foot. See footnote 65.

67) one should not also forget about the person of Hanshi in the place of exercises /if he is still there/ and do not turn to him with back, and at least to respond on his bow in this same way /when he exits or enters/; if something is practiced, at this moment it should be interrupted. See footnote 73.

68) dan - compare: TAISO, KIHON, KATA and KUMITE. Also: older grade/s.

69) Hanshi 10°Dan Nobuo Ichikawa /b. 09-04-1941, Nagoya, Aichi, Honshu, Japan; d. 03-06-2019, Vienna, Austria/ - younger brother of Hanshi Isao Ichikawa after whom 05-11-1996 he took over the leadership of Karatedo Doshinkan. The last time he was in Poland /Warsaw/ in 2018 /7-9. of December/. Cropped from photo: WAT, Warsaw, 1 Kartezjusza Str., gym hall no. 57 /Small Hall/, March 20, 2011, 13:48 hrs. From the collections and authorship of Renshi MSc Krzysztof Caban.

70) theoretically even up to renshi judan, but practically it finishes on renshi shichidan.

71) theoretically from shihan godan upwards, but practically it is only shichidan and hachidan. With the decision of Hanshi Nobuo Ichikawa of 2016, shihans hachidan can wear also the red-white belts.

72) one should keep in mind that each Karatedo Doshinkan Dojo is independent: they are located in different countries where there are different customs and laws and operateing under different conditions, and therefore the rules set forth herein are not absolutely mandatory - they have help and facilitate rather than hinder and disturb, what does not mean that they can be treated as someone wants, ignore them or at all not to follow to them because then it will not be a karatedo /especially Doshinkan/. Simply it is one of its features. One should therefore consider between the tradition and the common sense, and choose such solution which will be the closest to presented here, and simultaneously possible to realizing without proverbial "undercutting oneself throat". And so: a/ a leader of the dojo establishes the principles - and to them one should comply; b/ a leader of the dojo is the equivalent of hanshi in hombu dojo in Vienna; c/ in the case of the non-attendance of a leader his function takes the person designated by him irrespective of title and/or grade - one should then treat her identical like a leader: if someone like that has not been designated /and not exist in this regard separate habits/ these duties always fulfills the oldest of rank student /see footnote 57)/ - however he may pass them in the hands of another, "younger" student, and then such sempai behaves like a "normal" participant of the lesson.

73) due to the function the leader of the dojo has special rights: among other he can get in and out during the lesson when he wants without having to celebrate the ceremonial, but of course if he desires to he may do so. Inures then the other rules: a/ if he takes the class (and/or performs individual ceremonial - all should take the position of ki-o tsuke and wait until he finishes, of course unless he does not decide otherwise) he thanks to the person who has so far operated a lesson, who occupies the position specified by him, or /if the taker did not mark it/ he sets at the end of one of the rows; b/ if joins as a "normal" participant - he behaves as they do /the above also applies when the member who enters has a higher grade and/or title than the who currently runs the class (except the leader)/.

74) never touch a weapon without permission of the owner! The exception is the situation described in footnote 62.

75) to be able to lead such a group and have a "shomen" /ie. a flag/ - formally confirming the official status of the team as Karatedo Doshinkan Dojo - must first obtain the direct consent of hanshi.

76) search engine finds only whole words only appearing on this website and only online /it means when is current connection to the network, ie. with Internet/: the best is first to select and read some of the subsections to familiarize with used here method of transcription and spelling.

77) this membership card contains: number, picture, address and signature, as well as all granted its owner grades and titles /and the date of appointment/ confirmed initials of hanshi. So this is something a kind of "passport of Karatedo Doshinkan". Besides of it the students also receive certificates received dignities /currently only from the grade of shodan/.

78) the mentioned periods relate to the intensive and regular training at least several times a week without any breaks during the that time.

79) senchusen - compare: KATA and KUMITE.

80) hombu dojo /or honbu dojo/ - "the main dojo". Usually a place where the head /founder, chief, principal teacher, and so on/ of the school constantly teaches. The main headquarters (and/or the main training room) of the school. In the case of international organizations, it adopts the name of Sohombu /sohonbu/ Dojo /general, central headquarters of all dojos/.

81) in the case of karatedo the lack of regularity in a very short time leads to stagnation, after which inevitably comes regress, and the adept with horror notes that more and more things him escapes and he cities gain new knowledge loses this already gained, and in a total he knows less and less.

82) Copyright © by Andrzej Pyrzewicz. All rights reserved.

83) on the left: a fragment of photo of authorship and from the collections of Renshi Janusz Skupniewski. On the right: the official notification about the death and funeral of Hanshi Isao Ichikawa which the author received from the Karatedo Doshinkan Hombu Dojo.

84) Renshi 6°Dan Aleksander Trofimow /1950-2002/ - he started his training in 1968 in Warsaw's SGPiS at Marek Stefaniak: at first 4°kyu, later shodan and sandan of sport Shotokan /November 3rd, 1977, Warsaw, Augusto Basile, Italy, 6.dan Wadoryu/. One of the first two black belts of Karatedo Doshinkan in Poland and first renshi, until August 1986 the national head of this school. Later this leadership he entrusted to MSc Krzysztof Witos and permanently moved to the USA where in Seattle /Washington State/ was the leader of one dojo. He led first meeting with Hanshi Isao Ichikawa in Warsaw in 1977. In 1980 as one of the three from the shoulder of SKD he participated in founding meeting of the Polish Karate Union /PZK/. Cropped from photo in Warsaw's "Łazienki" /Baths/, 2nd July 1986. From the collections and the authorship of Renshi dr. Piotr Piotrowicz.

85) Arya /"life guide" - someone striving for enlightenment: the title directly below the buddha title/ Bodhidharma /"[this one with] an enlightened religion" - a nickname: 440-543, Kanchi, Pallava Kingdom, South India/ - the student and heir of Arya Prajniatara, 28th Buddhist Patriarch of India, First Buddhist Patriarch of China, Abbot of Shaolin Monastery, First Patriarch of Luohanchuan, teacher and testator of He Buen /Second Patriarch of Luohanchuan/. He was the creator of the archetypes of first karatedo katas /chronologically/: Seipai, Naifanchin and Sanchin. His family name is Simhavarman. Cropped from photo from website

86) Shaolin - "young forest". The name of the Chinese monastery in which Bodhidharma has developed a fighting art first definited as Luohanchuan, later also as chuanfa. It is located in Henan Province /former Honan/ in the Central East and is confused with the monasteries of the same name in Fukien Province /Fujian, Fucien/ in South East.

87) Satunushi /"those of the native descendants" - penultimate rank of the last Okinawan's noble class, peichin of penultimate grade: armour-bearer, squire, page/ Tode Kanga Sakugawa /1733-1815, Torihori (in other reading Chokutsu) or Akata, Shuri, Okinawa/ - heir of Peichin Takahara who gave him the nickname tode and ordered to develop this art. Teacher and testator of Bushi Sokon Matsumura. He is considered to be the creator of dojokun and the first who formally merged all existing varieties of katas on Okinawa into present known forms. His ancestral surname was Teruya. Cropped from photo from website

88) Bushi /Japanese "right knight" - the title given to remarkable warriors, corresponding to the present title hanshi/ Sokon Matsumura /1792-1901, Yamakawa, Shuri, Okinawa/ - one of the two heirs of Tode Sakugawa, the testator of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu. He is considered as ancestor and popularizer of Shorinryu and Shurite as well as attributes to him the authorship and/or passing on of many katas. His ancestral surname is Kayo and Okinawan titles are chikudun peichin /"those of nobles from raising fighting skills", peichin of middle rank/ and "the adjutant guard of the king" which he received from Ko Sho /19th, pre-penultimate ruler of Ryukyu/. Cropped from photo from website

89) Kosaku Matsumora /1829-1898, Tomari, Okinawa/ - the student of Kishin Teruya, creator of Tomarite. Cropped from photo from website

90) Kensei /"grand master of boxing" - Japanese title corresponding to the present title hanshi/ Yasutsune Itosu /1830-1915, Yamakawa, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student and heir of Bushi Matsumura, the teacher and testator of Daishihan Kanken Toyama. The propagator of Shorinryu, the creator of Shurite, system of grades in karate, kumite known in present form, and many katas. Cropped from photo from website

91) Kensei Kanryo Higashionna /1853-1915, Nishi, Kume, Okinawa/ - the student of Peichin Seisho Arakaki accepted as his informal continuator, teacher and testator of Kyoshi Chojun Miyagi. He is considered as renewer of Shoreiryu on Okinawa and giver of main katas of Nahate. Cropped from photo from website

92) Shihan Kenwa Mabuni /1889-1952, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu, Peichin Seisho Arakaki, Kensei Kanryo Higashionna and Kyoshi Chojun Miyagi, founder of the first /earlier/ Shitoryu. He was famous for his encyclopedic knowledge of the katas, their histories and interpretations. Cropped from photo from website

93) Shihan Kambun Uechi /1877-1948, Izumi, Okinawa/ - the student of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu, Peichin Seisho Arakaki and Kensei Kanryo Higashionna. He gave other versions of some Nahate katas. Founder of Pangainoonryu Karatejutsu. His son and heir later changed this name to Uechiryu. Cropped from photo from website

94) Daishihan /"great teacher" - title corresponding to the present title hanshi/ Kanken Toyama /1888-1966, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student and heir of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu, founder of Karatedo Shudokan, one of two certified by the Japanese government and Butokukai to teaching and award grades and titles in all varieties of Okinawan karatedo, giver of first in the history hanshis of karatedo, teacher and testator to Hanshi Isao Ichikawa. He is sometimes confused with Seiken To/ku/yama. His ancestral surname was Oyadomari. Cropped from photo from page 455 of "Karatedo Daihokan" by Kanken Toyama.

95) Daidokan - "school from a wide way". The name of the dojo founded by Choki Motobu. It comes from Daido district in Kume in Naha on Okinawa.

96) Choki Motobu /1871-1944, Akihira, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Bushi Sokon Matsumura, Kensei Yasutsune Itosu, Kengo Kentsu Yabu and Kosaku Matsumora. Coming from a royal family, one of the great karate, considered as propagator of Shoreiryu and Tomarite. He was present at the famous symposium of masters in Naha in 1936. Daidokan founder with deep knowledge of all the Okinawan katas. Cropped from photo from website

97) Chotoku Kyan /1870-1945, Gibo, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Bushi Sokon Matsumura, Kensei Yasutsune Itosu, Kengo Kentsu Yabu and Kosaku Matsumora, propagator of Shorinryu and Tomarite. He participated in the famous symposium of masters in Naha in 1936. His technique was called Shobayashiryu. Cropped from photo from website

98) Renshi 5°Dan Gichin Funakoshi /1868-1957, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu and Peichin Seisho Arakaki. The author of several alterations of karatedo katas and famous maxim "karate-ni sente nashi". Founder of Shotokan school. As first presented karate outside Okinawa and entered into Japan imported from that island system of grades in karate. Cropped from photo from website

99) Hanshi Choshin Chibana /1886-1969, Torihori, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu and Kengo Kentsu Yabu, founder of Kobayashiryu, the participant of the famous symposium of the karatedo's masters in Naha in 1936, one of two certified by the Japanese government and Butokukai to teaching and award grades and titles in all varieties of Okinawan karatedo. The title of hanshi he received in 1957 from reactivated Butokukai. Cropped from photo from website

100) Kyoshi /"[this who] teaches the warriors" - title equivalent to the shihan title/ Chojun Miyagi /1888-1953, Higashi, Naha, Okinawa/ - the student and heir of Kensei Kanryo Higashionna, founder of Gojuryu, creator and giver of main katas of Nahate /Shoreiryu/. He was present at the famous symposium of masters in Naha in 1936. Initially his first name was Matsu. Cropped from photo from website

101) Kengo /"perfect boxer" - title corresponding to the current title hanshi/ Kentsu Yabu /1870-1937, Okinawa/ - the student of Bushi Sokon Matsumura and Kensei Yasutsune Itosu. The author of the famous saying "ikken hissatsu". He was present at the famous symposium of masters in Naha in 1936. Cropped from photo from website

102) Hanshi Isao Ichikawa in Karatedo Doshinkan Hombu Dojo /Vienna, Austria/. The photo before 1989. From collections of the author.

103) Hanshi Nobuo Ichikawa in Karatedo Doshinkan Hombu Dojo /Vienna, Austria/ - here still as shihan 8°dan. The photo before 1989. From collections of the author.

104) Daishihan Kanken Toyama in the final position of the kata Pinan Godan. The photo from page 190 "Karatedo Daihokan" by Kanken Toyama.

105) with karatedo katas is a bit like with tools of household: sometimes we do not quite remember how, when and why they got there, and still other time even throught our thought it does not pass that at all we have some of them - simply when we do not use them we forget about them. They can so lie there so long until they fall apart from old age, and such will be the behoof of them. But it is not everything: the mere possession of the tools in the farm still does not change anything, because also one should need to know to what they serve - one can try to knock a nail into a wall with a help of the saw, but perhaps not to this it has been created. However on this is not the end: even if we already know to what the given equipment is, it at all does not mean that we are able to properly it apply - first we must learn how to operate with it, what again does not mean that when we will possess already this knowledge immediately we will become the world champion in diy. Above mentioned also nothing us will not give, until we do not know in what order /when/ with which of them to work. The effect of our work also must not always be ideal or satisfactory us - one needs a little time and practice to acquire the experience and in this matter. In discussed case the tools are katas, and the workpiece material we ourselves and surround us reality.

106) United Nations Industrial Development Organization based in Vienna /Austria/.

107) MSc Krzysztof Witos /without grade/ in front of the sport field of the sport centre in Fonyod. Cropped from a collective photo. From collections and authorship of the author of this website.

108) ShihanDan MSc Zenon Słomski - the first Polish student of Karatedo Doshinkan and one of the first two black belts. He started his training from sport Shotokan in October 1972 /without a grade/ in SGPiS at Alek Trofimow. In Polish Karatedo Doshinkan /SKD/ since 2004 the head of the revisory commision. From the collections of a photographed.

109) The news of the University Gymnastic Institute /Vienna, Austria/.

110) Shorinryu /in other reading Shobayashiryu or Sukunaibayashiryu/ - "school from the young forest". Japanese equivalent of Chinese Shaolin. Currently there are exist many its variations with different writings, readings and meanings.

111) Shoreiryu - "a school of spiritual enlightenment". Japanese name of the style practiced in the Shaolin monastery. This style originally was supposed to be the pillar of the ti /te/. For its modern renewer is considered Kensei Kanryo Higashionna, and for the next propagators Kyoshi Chojun Miyagi and Choki Motobu.

112) Shitoryu - "a school of silky East" /sic!/. The name of two different karate schools founded by two different people: earlier by Shihan Kenwa Mabuni, later by Shimpan Shiroma. It comes from the first characters in the surnames of their two common teachers: : Itosu - which can be read also just as "shi", and Higashionna - "to". The first means "silk", the second - "East".

113) Satunushi Okuda - the student of Satunushi Tode Kanga Sakugawa, progenitor of Nahate. About him there is no wider public information.

114) Shudokan - "a school of way of perfecting oneself". The name of the karatedo school founded by Daishihan Kanken Toyama.

115) Shimpan Shiroma /1890-1954, Taira, Shuri, Okinawa/ - the student of Kensei Yasutsune Itosu and Kensei Kanryo Higashionna, founder of the second /later/ Shitoryu. He participated in the famous symposium of masters in Naha in 1936. Cropped from photo from website

116) Udun /"from the royal palace" - the higher of the two layers of the noble middle class/ Choken Makabe /1769-1825, Okinawa/ - the student of Satunushi Tode Kanga Sakugawa, ancestor of Tomarite.

117) Kishin Teruya /1804-1868, Okinawa/ - the student of Udun Choken Makabe, progenitor of Tomarite.

118) Shobayashiryu /in other reading Sukunaibayashiryu or Shorinryu/ - "a school from a young forest". The name which they were called the techniques of Chotoku Kyan.

119) Gojuryu - "a hard-soft school". The name of the karate school founded by Kyoshi Chojun Miyagi. It was the first of this kind officially registered and recognized by Butokukai.

120) Dai Nippon Butokukai - "great Japanese virtuous /noble/ warriors association". The oldest Japanese martial arts organization founded in 1895, approved by Emperor Meiji, accredited at the Imperial Family and under the supervision of the Japanese Ministry of Education. Established grades of dan and kyu as well as the titles of hanshi, kyoshi and renshi. It was dissolved in 1946 by the US occupation authorities. Reactivated in 1957 as "great Japanese martial arts association", in the same year admitted to Choshin Chibana the title of hanshi. Does not stay in any relation with the initial organization of 1895.

121) Karate-ni sente nashi - "empty hand first does not attack". Famous maxim of authorship of Renshi Gichin Funakoshi.

122) Shotokan - "a school of pine wave". The name of the karate school founded by Renshi Gichin Funakoshi. The name comes from his literary pseudonym.

123) Kobayashiryu /in other reading Shorinryu or Shobayashiryu/ - "a school from a small forest". The name of the karatedo school founded by Hanshi Choshin Chibana.

124) Ikken hissatsu - "each strike always kills". Famous maxim of karate of authorship of Kengo Kentsu Yabu.

125) the photo from "Karatedo Taikan" by Genwa Nakasone /1938/. From the left they stand: Shimpan Shiroma, Tsuyoshi Chitose, Choshin Chibana, Genwa Nakasone. From the left they sit: Chotoku Kyan, Kentsu Yabu, Chomo Hanashiro, Chojun Miyagi. NOTE: this photo is incorrectly considering as coming from the famous symposium from 1936. In fact, it was taken in March 1937 by Ryukyu Shimpo at the founding meeting of the Okinawan Prefectural Karatedo Promotional Society and the Karatedo Kihongata Society. Just compare the list of symposium participants with those present in the picture.

Symposium of masters of the Okinawan karatedo


/"Karatedo Daihokan" by Kanken Toyama, p. 377. The edition first, December 1999, Toyama-ryu Okinawa Seito Karatedo, 10 Dan Hanshi Mikio Tanaka, Japan, Tokyo./

/Handwritten done bibliographical record historically valuable to karate./

25th of October, 1936, 4:00 hrs.

Okinawa Prefecture, Naha City, Showa Meeting Hall

Initiative of editorial office of the "Ryukyuan New Newspaper"

Persons taking part:

Karate teachers:

Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu, Chojun Miyagi, Juhatsu Kyoda, Chibana Choshin, Shiroma Shimpan, Chotei Shoroku, Genwa Nakasone /Shudokan student/ of Karate Kenkyu Sha.

126) Pangainoonryu Karatejutsu - "a half hard and soft school of art of empty hands". The name of the karate school founded by Shihan Kambun Uechi. His son-heir later changed this name to Uechiryu.

127) a/ from June 16th to September 1st is the holiday break, and classes do not take place; b/ integrated group - a degree of difficulty of the lesson is always adjusted to the level of advancement /possibilities/ currently present on the classes persons.

128) naore - this term uses Hanshi Nobuo Ichikawa, while Hanshi Isao Ichikawa spoke naotte /both mean the same/.

129) uchikomi - compare: KIHON, KUMITE and KOBUDO.

130) chuanfa - "method of the fist". Boxing: Chinese term for methods of fight similar to karate.

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